2024 - Beach Doubles Volleyball Tournaments in Washington, DC
86th - June 1st-2nd, 2024: Saturday (M/W) and Sunday (Co-ed)
87th - July 13th-14th, 2024: Saturday (Co-ed) and Sunday (M/W)
88th - August 17th-18th, 2024: Saturday (M/W) and Sunday (Co-ed)
89th - September 28th-29th, 2024: Saturday (Co-ed) and Sunday (M/W)
Register by 9/12/24 to avoid late fee.
Check-in at 7:30am. Play Starts at 7:20a for some. E-notice for early starts.
Click here
for the traffic camera at 17th and Constitution Avenue. It's
half-dozen blocks from the Courts (refresh browser to see current).
DC Doubles pictures!
(updated 10/2/24)
Latest DCD Art updated 7/10/24, remember to refresh browser)
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